Catherine Zeta Jones – The Plastic Surgery List

By on December 22, 2013


She’s well known to be one of the most beautiful women in the world and, because of some of the amazing films she has starred in, managed to blah her way to the top. She started off as the small-town girl in the hit British TV show Darling Buds of May alongside the infamous David Jason and since then, she has hit new heights of super stardom, even going as far as bagging one of the coolest actors of his generation – Michael Douglas.


Back in 2010, Catherine Zeta Jones hit the headlines… for all the wrong reasons. A rather unflattering photo was released to the press in one of the newspapers showing Catherine had aged a whole load more than we had been lead to believe. She had lost an awful lot of weight, was suffering from a nasty does of large and open pores, eyes that would so puffy, you could barely see them (and red to boot!) and the weirdest, smoothest forehead you have ever seen in your life. Well, on a 44 year old actress anyway.


Born on September 25th, 1969 in Swansea, Wales, she truly was one of the most beautiful women on the planet. She also seems to be one of the most talented. Her luscious brown, wavy hair and smouldering dark eyes saw her winning a Tony Award  for Best Leading Actress in a Musical when she played the role of Desiree in A Little Night Music back in 2010. Then there was the fabulous Velma in the crazy-good Chicago back in 2002. She won a whole host of awards for that too – Screen Actors Guild Award, BAFTA, Academy Award PLUS a nomination for Best Supporting Actress in a Motion Picture in the Golden Globes. We bow down to you Catherine!


With such fame and media limelight, it would make sense that Catherine tried to keep herself in good shape. She had a very rough time of things with her husband being rather ill, separating from him, having some sort of breakdown and generally working too hard… Maybe plastic surgery was the only answer at the time?

She suffered at the hands of bipolar II disorder twice – 2011 and 2013. In May 2013, it was announced that Catherine and Michael were living apart, taking time to evaluate their marriage. Some rumours even had us believing that they had been living apart for a much longer time that we had initially thought. It would seem that they have recently gotten back together however… Let’s hope that things work out well for them!

Going back to the plastic surgery list and rumours have surfaced that she could be a habitual Botox user. This is shown by the very tight forehead that she now displays – it’s odd when you look at the rest of her face in comparison. She is a 40-something year old woman and doesn’t have a single wrinkle on her forehead… It hardly seems natural. These days however, it would seem that plastic surgery is almost the norm and, as we discuss in Marlo Thomas – Another Plastic Surgery Rumor, the people getting it and becoming younger and younger which isn’t a good thing!


With us all striving for perfection, it would seem that even the celebs have a hard time when it comes to their appearance. Scooching back to Catherine Zeta Jones and the plastic surgery list is apparently extended by the fact that there are some signs that possible endoscopic brow lift has taken place. This is something that we will take a closer look at in just a moment for you.

Other surgeons have come out to suggest that Catherine may have had fillers injected into her cheeks to give her a more defined look. Of course, the actress herself has neither confirmed or denied any celebrity plastic surgery rumours, but the evidence speaks for itself, especially when some of the top surgeons in their field are coming forward to suggest possible work.

Another topic that has come up for debate in the Catherine Zeta Jones plastic surgery list is her breasts – it would appear that in certain shots of her, her breasts do appear to be bigger than they were a few years ago. However, when you look at recent shots of her, her breasts are somewhat smaller again. Could this be the sign of a boob job or is this natural body movement when you lose weight and put it back on like the actress has done?


To be fair, Catherine still looks amazing for a 44 year old woman and we are sure that a few celebrity plastic surgery rumours won’t stop her doing her thing. We would urge her to take things easy though… She’s had a tough time of things of late and we wouldn’t want to see her struggling again! And remember Catherine, you are beautiful just as you are!